Dear Friends,
The 2023-2024 fiscal year was a great year for Stratford Friends. The dedication, support, and friendship from donors, business partners, and our school community continues to shine a light on SFS. Because of you, Stratford Friends was able to update the lower school classrooms with new paint and new flooring. We also renovated a very outdated main floor kitchen which is now a great space for classrooms to gather for cooking lessons. Allowing our students to practice academic skills through hands-on real-life experiences not only strengthens them academically but helps guide them to become independent young adults. This fiscal year we also received several government and foundation grants which allowed us to purchase a new fence which expanded our outdoor space and provided an extra layer of safety to our students. Additionally, we were able to replace our swing set with a new one, making many of our students extra happy at recess.
Because of you, Stratford Friends School can continue to empower our students with the skills they need to be successful learners not only through academic lessons but through personal, emotional, and social interactions.
Every donation truly impacts our students, teachers, and school! Your continued support not only allows Stratford Friends to make small changes during the school year but also allows us to plan for continued growth- for that I am grateful! Thank you for being a shining light to our school community.
In Friendship,
Jill Dougherty
Head of School
The Stratford Friends School Board of Trustees continues to be honored to serve this amazing community that do such great work educating our unique learners. We are truly humbled by the commitment of our students, their families and the faculty and staff of Stratford Friends to make our school the inclusive environment that accepts and celebrates the strengths and unique abilities of all.
We are also extremely grateful for the generosity of the families, alumni, business partners, and friends of the school that allow us the fiscal ability to continue to grow and enhance our programs. Over the years we have added numerous services to help our students grow and be able to strengthen their academic and learning experiences. We have also been able to make improvements to our building to enhance programs and the operation of the school. We know, however, as our school and the needs of our students grow that we will need to continue to find new ways to financially support the school.
As the Board reflects on the 2023-2024 fiscal year, we are thankful for those who have generously donated their time, treasure and talent to the Stratford Friend School. Your commitment has helped our school grow, fulfill our mission, and carry out our Quaker values. On behalf of the entire Board, we thank you for all you do for our students and our school.
Michele Reichow
Carol-Ann Black |
Brandon's Voice |
William & Laura Buck* |
William C. Buck Estate |
Laura Thomas Buck Estate |
Carol-Ann Black Trust |
Friends Council on Education |
Kruskal Hewitt |
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting |
Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting |
Wyatt Wistar Brown Fund |
FOUNDERS' CIRCLE ($5,000 - $9,999)
Frank & Shanna Burrell |
Elizabeth T. Taylor Trust |
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC |
Matthew & Suzanne Heckendorn |
Heckendorn Shiles Architects |
Robert & Elizabeth Krick |
Media One Products, LLC |
Softerware, Inc. |
HEADS' CIRCLE ($2,500 - $4,999)
Peter & Sarah Brodie |
Cavallo Auto Body |
Chester Quarterly Meeting |
Mark & Jill Dougherty |
Emlen Institution Fund |
Jewish Communal Fund |
Mark Jones & Kim Corliss |
Madge Rothenberg & Peter Brodfuehrer |
Paul Ryan & Winnie Doyle |
John & Sarah Schmader |
Bryan & Amy Sgrignoli |
Strafford Real Estate GP LLC |
The Atticus Fund |
Vanguard Charitable |
HEROES' CIRCLE ($1,000 - $2,499)
Anonymous |
Benevity Community Impact Fund |
Mark & Kimberly Benoliel |
Bernard & Rose Marie Brunner |
Edward & Lydia Driscoll |
Jordan Goldhammer & Claire Raab |
Sandra Howze |
J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund |
Johnson, Kendal & Johnson |
Lamm Realty Group, LLC. |
Laurie Loevner |
Nararo Foundation |
Stephanie Philips |
Subaru of America |
Francis & Julianne Sullivan |
Sun East Federal Credit Union |
T. Wistar Brown Teachers Fund |
TD Bank |
Therapy Solutions, Inc. |
UGI Storage Company |
Bill & Yvonne Wagner |
G. Richard & Kathryn Wynn |
TEACHERS' CIRCLE ($500 - $999)
A.N. Lynch Company Inc. |
American Marketing Co., Inc. |
William E. Belanger |
David & Larissa Berkowitz |
Berney & Sang |
Raymond Carter |
Charities Aid Foundation America |
Anne Downey |
Fidelity Charitable |
Nemours Children's Health |
Gary & Lisa Olsen |
Patty Plousis |
Mark Plousis |
Marvin & Marsha Raab |
Raffaele & Associates |
Donald Reilly |
John & Amita Russell |
Schiller and Hersh Associates, Inc. |
Kirk & Jean Schultz |
SEI Investments Company |
Sheet Metal Workers' Local 19 |
Eric Sontag |
The Debbie and Lee Simpson Fund |
The Pumpkin Fund |
Vince May Team |
FRIENDS' CIRCLE ($250 - $499)
Anne G. Bangs |
Melissa Bilash |
Scott & Paula Booth |
Kristin Bowman |
CB Welding, LLC |
Donato & Rita DiAntonio |
Matthew & Jodie Duncan |
Empower Women & Love the Earth |
FIP Creative |
Lester & Katrina Fraser |
Julia Haines & Rosanne Fox |
Asher & Christina Kemp |
Joe Fillip & Alexandra Kendrick |
Jane Kim |
Debra Lambert |
Mark & Barbara Leighton |
David & Roben Lieber |
Mike & Kimberly McDermott |
David & Kerri Monnerat |
Corinne News |
Christopher & Michele Reichow |
John & Mickey Rowe |
Alice & Aran Ryan |
James & Amy Schmid |
Richard & Lee Schultz |
Schwab Charitable |
Dave Shank |
William and Susan Strong |
Upper Darby Arts & Education Foundation Inc, |
Starr Vernon |
Anonymous |
Maryellen Abram |
David C. Allen |
Jazzmine Allen-Williams |
David Alonso |
Stephen Alonso |
America's Charities |
Meg Backus & Sam Nosratbakhsh |
Craig & Elissa Barbieri |
Robert Bassett & Blair Hontz |
Susan Bauerle |
Mallory Bendyna |
Rocco & Linda Bianchi |
Binakleen Services |
Kevin & Megan Blattner |
Portia Bonavitacola |
Mark & Rashanda Booker |
Suzanne & James Briddes |
Shauna Brown |
Tamika Brown |
David Brownlee |
Chris Bunodono |
Donna Burke |
Matthew Burke & Giulia Ghibellini |
Wanda Carey |
Jerry Carr & Nicole Wilson-Carr |
Marla Cobin |
Ben Cohen |
Arelis Cordova La Luz |
Christine Corson |
Sheri Cowan |
Charles Croft |
Mayland D. Crosson |
Jaidyn Cunningham |
Lawrence & Julia D'Ambrosio |
Eustace DeCarlo |
Samantha Defabrites |
James & Jacqueline Delaney |
Ray & Pat DeSabato |
Read & Sara DeSabato |
Thaddeus Desmond |
Kathleen Desmond |
Jamie Desmond |
Dan & Megan DeVos |
Disney |
Michael & Kara Dodson |
Kathleen Dooley |
Jacob Downey |
Justin Dunoff |
Marta Dusko |
Marley Eli |
Anna D. Ensor |
Jill Esterline |
Robert & Janel Feldman |
Dorothy Flanagan |
Robert Fleming |
Leonard & Brianna Foti |
Sandra Fox |
David Frost |
Howard & Alison Frysinger |
Kelly Gebhardt |
Larry & Donna Giaquinto |
Stephen & Patricia Gluckman |
Googahlini's Candy Land LLC |
Laura Green |
Jon Hall |
Earl & Joyce Heckendorn |
Robin Hedley |
William F. & Maureen Henderson |
Lori Hendrickson |
Lisa & Jordan Hesbacher |
Cynthia Hoekstra |
G.R. Hoffman & Susan Kellogg |
Moises Holland |
Hahn Huang |
Hunter Durant Real Estate Advisors |
Cynthia James |
Carol Johnson |
Terri Jones |
Carol Kane |
Denise Kankowski & Diane Thistle |
Giuseppina Karasavas |
Randi and Leon Katz |
William & Louise Keane |
Natalie Keller Bertolino |
Everett & Candace Kenyatta |
Lunal Khuon & Monita Var |
Ken & Tammy Klinger |
Mike & Cynthia Kokinda |
Rosie Kowalski |
Bob Krick |
Robert Kuehl & Shelley Crognale |
Gloria Lamorgia |
Gabrielle Lang |
Luigi & Regina Lazzari |
Eunice Levis |
Helen Lewis |
Emily & Steven Lieber |
Little Egg Harbor Yacht Club |
Eric & Danielle Long |
Barbara J. Lorry |
Shelley Mansky |
Kristin Maron |
Brian & Diane Martin |
Courtney McDowell |
John & ariel McGuire |
Matthew & Sandy McHugh |
Joan McIlvaine |
Craig & Marcia McKenzie |
Donna McQuiston |
Mark McSorley |
Dane Menkin & Erin Schmitt |
Cathyann Michaliszyn |
Randal & Laurie Miller |
Brendan Miller |
Ellen Millick |
Ralph Mitchell & Michelle Perrine |
Robert & Margaret Morris |
Colleen Murphy |
Rick Murtha & Joanne Fisher |
Erik Muther |
Elliot & Cara Neumann |
Nifty Fifty's |
Joe Noble |
Chris Noble & Melissa Foster |
Sara Norris |
Larry & Joyce Ogleton |
Daniel & Peggy Olley |
John & Maryte Papadopoulos |
Shane Para & Wendi Croft-Para |
PayPal Giving Fund |
Penn's Way Campaign |
Leah Perry |
Philadelphia Community Acupuncture |
Marguerite Pinckney |
Richard & Diane Quammen |
Rafferty Subaru Inc. |
Dilip & Parvati Ramchandani |
Denise Ramsden |
Mary Randall |
Cleveland Rea & Stephanie Judson |
Griffin Reichow |
Ralph & Mary Reinwald |
Harvey & Carol Restrick |
David Richardson |
Randy & Laura Rongione |
Majid & Sandra Sadeghi |
Puneet & Gurmukh Sahota |
William & Sarah Saunders |
Reid & Shannan Schuster |
Beckett Schuster |
William Scull |
Gary & Cheryl Sebra |
Seider Solutions |
Geoffrey & Cecily Selling |
Joanne Sencindiver |
Chris & Elizabeth Sencindiver |
Neil Simmons |
Sir Speedy |
Marie F. Smith |
W. Chapman Smith |
Kathleen Smith |
Kelisha Smith |
Nicole Smith |
Luke Smith |
Snapology of Newtown Square |
Robert L. & Sydney D. Stevens |
Brett & Joanne Straub |
Daniel & Cheryl Strickland |
Israel Swisa |
Bill and Barbara* Talbot |
Najat Talha |
Robert & Wendy Taylor |
Emily Teofilak |
Bruce & Letty Thall |
The Benjamin and Evelyn Brown Foundation |
Robert Thornton |
Tripp Traynor |
Jeffrey & Jeannine Ursillo |
Elsa Vare |
Maria Vetter |
David & Amber Vraim |
Vraim Funeral Home |
Jennifer Walsh |
Kendra Waninger |
Aileen Ward |
Tenysha Warren |
Kirk Wattles & Karen Wisnia |
Louis P. Weiner |
Joan Wenger |
Nathan & Tina WIlliams |
Judy Wilson |
Brittney Yanchek |